With CTFO, there are ways to unlock deeper discounts.
Wholesale Pricing - If you decide to sign up as either a Customer or an Associate then you will have access to Wholesale Pricing. Wholesale Pricing is a 30% discount compared to Retail Pricing.
* SmartShip Pricing - If you are a Customer or an Associate and you decide to setup a SmartShip order (a SmartShip order is an automatic, monthly recurring order), you will unlock SmartShip pricing, which is a 5% to as much as a 20% discount, off the Wholesale Price. Even better news, your SmartShip discount is not just limited to just your SmartShip monthly orders! As long as you have a valid SmartShip on your account, even one time orders that are placed can use SmartShip Pricing.
* Some packages and items may not be available for SmartShip, and may not be available for SmartShip pricing because they are already discounted as much as possible.
15% Off Wholesale - You only need $292.00 more to reach the Silver Level Discount. (Required Minimum Product Price Paid After Discounts: $249)
15% Off Wholesale - CONGRATULATIONS!
You've qualified for a Silver Level Discount.
20% Off Wholesale - You only need $473.00 more to reach the Gold Level Discount. (Required Minimum Product Price Paid After Discounts: $379) (MOST POPULAR)
20% Off Wholesale - CONGRATULATIONS!
You've qualified for a Gold Level Discount. (MOST POPULAR)
25% Off Wholesale - You only need $665.00 more to reach the Platinum Level Discount. (Required Minimum Product Price Paid After Discounts: $499)
25% Off Wholesale - CONGRATULATIONS!
You've qualified for a Platinum Level Discount.